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Apex Legends Neon Network Collection Event Trailer
Apex Legends Neon Network Collection Event Trailer
【スマブラSP 】ウメハラがぁ!戦闘力1502万にぃぃっ!!到達したぁぁーっ!!!!【ゆっくり実況 キャプテン・ファルコンpart5】
【スマブラSP】第56回スマバトSP サブ配信① ft.らる,らき,アカキクス,ラリックス,ネイビー,雨飴,ふい,alice,シオン,Kaninabe,りゅーおーand more!
【 ドラクエⅩ ver.2 】完全初見。オフライン版✨いよいよ終盤⁉姫と共にこの世界を救え。【鷹嶺ルイ/ホロライブ】※ネタバレあり
【スマブラSP】第56回スマバトSP ft.らる,らき,アカキクス,ラリックス,ネイビー,雨飴,ふい,alice,シオン,Kaninabe,りゅーおー and more!【関西オフ大会】
人生相談凸待ちスプラ【スプラトゥーン3 splatoon3】【初心者】
奇妙な隣人が住む「訳あり格安アパート」が舞台のホラーゲームが異常に怖すぎる【心霊物件 | Haunted Property】
↓ 動画はこちらから ↓
【スマブラSP 】ウメハラがぁ!戦闘力1502万にぃぃっ!!到達したぁぁーっ!!!!【ゆっくり実況 キャプテン・ファルコンpart5】
【スマブラSP】第56回スマバトSP サブ配信① ft.らる,らき,アカキクス,ラリックス,ネイビー,雨飴,ふい,alice,シオン,Kaninabe,りゅーおーand more!
【 ドラクエⅩ ver.2 】完全初見。オフライン版✨いよいよ終盤⁉姫と共にこの世界を救え。【鷹嶺ルイ/ホロライブ】※ネタバレあり
【スマブラSP】第56回スマバトSP ft.らる,らき,アカキクス,ラリックス,ネイビー,雨飴,ふい,alice,シオン,Kaninabe,りゅーおー and more!【関西オフ大会】
Yo, an event that has actual, y’ know, CONTENT besides cosmetics? Cool
Including more subtle movement techs in the trailers is a nice touch
I loved the part when Valkyrie said “you can have the ground, I own your wallets” and then continued to charge everyone $160 for a skin. Truly an Apex experience
took them over 10 seasons to give us more side quests
The revenant reborn teasers are soooo amazing,
This game has unstable servers but top notch great talented lore writers.
Can’t wait for rev reborn (too bad the silence will be gone…)
Love that her finisher is like the execution done by prime northstar in titanfall2
This tap-strafe was fire. And this time wall bounce looks really good
The fact that the skin comes with a dive trail is so sick and that finisher is bananas
I loved the part where matchmaking still wasn’t fixed, truly an apex experience.
Who else got chills from the ending when Revenant said. “Their’s still time to run”
the finisher is amazing
I haven’t seen the store update yet but if I see the lifeline skin as a bundle I’m buying the event
Those outfits are crazy good! Valks mythical skin is by far the best so far. As a Loba main I am very happy with the skin that she gets
I loved the part where revenant took out this event and said”It won’t cost you..” Then paused, giggled and said “Much”
Trailer is great! And THANK YOU RESPAWN FOR BEING SMART WITH THE REWARDS, IT FEELS AMAZING TO UNLOCK THINGS BY PLAYING..! (yes, we had Prize Trackers, but overall this looks better in my opinion because you have to be more involved 🤓)
I loved the part when Horizon said “just need a wee pick me up” and then lifted all the money out of our wallets. Truly an apex experience
This is the Apex I fell in love with, keep it up devs!
1:06 that arc transition was soo dope and creative. As a valkyrie main i am soo hyped.
Who else got chills from the end when revenant said “There’s still time to run” 1:24
Can we appreciate how they tried their best to make this amazing video for us 💖💖💖