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Apex Legends: Ignite Battle Pass Trailer
Apex Legends: Ignite Battle Pass Trailer
【スマブラSP 】ウメハラがぁ!戦闘力1502万にぃぃっ!!到達したぁぁーっ!!!!【ゆっくり実況 キャプテン・ファルコンpart5】
【スマブラSP】第56回スマバトSP サブ配信① ft.らる,らき,アカキクス,ラリックス,ネイビー,雨飴,ふい,alice,シオン,Kaninabe,りゅーおーand more!
【 ドラクエⅩ ver.2 】完全初見。オフライン版✨いよいよ終盤⁉姫と共にこの世界を救え。【鷹嶺ルイ/ホロライブ】※ネタバレあり
【スマブラSP】第56回スマバトSP ft.らる,らき,アカキクス,ラリックス,ネイビー,雨飴,ふい,alice,シオン,Kaninabe,りゅーおー and more!【関西オフ大会】
人生相談凸待ちスプラ【スプラトゥーン3 splatoon3】【初心者】
↓ 動画はこちらから ↓
【スマブラSP 】ウメハラがぁ!戦闘力1502万にぃぃっ!!到達したぁぁーっ!!!!【ゆっくり実況 キャプテン・ファルコンpart5】
【スマブラSP】第56回スマバトSP サブ配信① ft.らる,らき,アカキクス,ラリックス,ネイビー,雨飴,ふい,alice,シオン,Kaninabe,りゅーおーand more!
Finally a trailer that shows we don’t always hit all our shots 😅
I enjoy the fact that this battle pass trailer is more akin to the style that the season gameplay trailers usually have. Usually they seem pretty static with the same formula.
I love the part when Octane gave up with his team and went out of bounds, truly an Apex experience.
I love the part where the community comments ‘I love the part where -‘. Truly a Apex-loving community experience.
I love the part where not a single legend had an Evo and every hit was flesh, truly a realistic apex experience
Always a true apex experience when you see your legend getting nerf 🙂
I love the part where Mirage got another bad skin. Truly an Apex experience.
Love it where they bring skins for the least used guns .
I love the part where the devs do not announce titanfall 3. Truly an apex experience
Never liked Rampage. But they’re really working good on those Reactives!
Love the part where the devs of this game still live paycheck to paycheck while CEO and upper management who contribute nothing to the game rake in millions. Truly an apex legends experience.
Just the fact that the shots are in the same rhythm as the music makes the trailer too stylish !
I like when Conduit said “No money. No victory.”
Truly an Apex experience.
I love the part where nobody reloads rampage, truly apex experience
I love the part where Octane stim and jumpad to open field just to get shot, truly an apex experience
I really anticipate the new stormpoint to be honest
Returning to this game for the first time in two years. I’m really looking forward to it.
I love the part where the gunshots sync with the music 0:08 truly and Apex Legends experience
Man I really want a meme reactive skin already like the mozan or p2020
I love the part where they nerf the balanced legends and not the ones that are a problem, truly an apex legends experience