裏技ゲームあんてな – 5チャンネルまとめアンテナサイト【2ちゃんねる】
Apex Legends Wintertide Collection Event
Apex Legends Wintertide Collection Event
『 神社で絶対にやってはいけないお参り 』を実際にやる危険なホラーゲーム【七日参り】
【スマブラSP】異次元なサイマグコンボも炸裂!?いま急成長中の海外最強ネスが超絶プレー魅せる【Syrup ネス/ハイライト】
Battle of BC 7[Day1](カナダ)クルーバトル現地配信 ft.Hurt,あcola,ミーヤー,Shuton,らる,スノー,KEN,らき,りゅーおー,TG(トリグリ),and more
ガチキングEGOISTがナワバリでも最強すぎるwwww【スプラトゥーン3】【切り抜き】【メロン ちょこぺろ なえごら ろぶすた~】
【原神】イアンサで超強化!「シュヴルーズ」Ver5.5最新解説 !おすすめ武器・聖遺物・パーティ・目標ステータス【げんしん】
【発売前に開封】大容量で超便利!「ロケット団の栄光 アタッシュケースセット」を実際に開封レビュー!【ポケカ/ポケモンカード】
↓ 動画はこちらから ↓
『 神社で絶対にやってはいけないお参り 』を実際にやる危険なホラーゲーム【七日参り】
【スマブラSP】異次元なサイマグコンボも炸裂!?いま急成長中の海外最強ネスが超絶プレー魅せる【Syrup ネス/ハイライト】
Battle of BC 7[Day1](カナダ)クルーバトル現地配信 ft.Hurt,あcola,ミーヤー,Shuton,らる,スノー,KEN,らき,りゅーおー,TG(トリグリ),and more
ガチキングEGOISTがナワバリでも最強すぎるwwww【スプラトゥーン3】【切り抜き】【メロン ちょこぺろ なえごら ろぶすた~】
【原神】イアンサで超強化!「シュヴルーズ」Ver5.5最新解説 !おすすめ武器・聖遺物・パーティ・目標ステータス【げんしん】
love the part when gibby throws his dome in the wrong direction and rampart misses every shot with her sheila. Truly and apex moment!
I love when Respawn said “It’s Respawnin’ time” before adding new overpriced skins and no bug fixes. Truly a Respawn moment.
Don’t you just love to see repeated game modes and recoloured skins of skins that are already in the game. Very creative!
Winter express back for Christmas for the 4th year in a row😍
4to año seguido en Winter Express que emoción.
I love the new changes and game mode that we saw in this here trailer
Apex you know what is a core quality in a relationship? Communication. And yall really need to communicate with your fambase about what you guys are going to do with this game for the future..
I loved it when Valkyrie said ‘im only headed one way, and that’s up baby’ and proceeded to raise the skin prices to extortionate amounts, truly a respawn gaming moment
Hope this event is good, or else probably not gonna finish this battle pass
And the train returns, again. Always a good mode.
Wow, a recycled event and a bunch of skins locked behind an expensive paywall. What a great content update, Respawn. Really making me want to play.
I get that people want new stuff, but the winter express mode is arguably the best mode in apex ever. So I’m just gonna be playing that for the next couple weeks.
I love how they made Triple Take sound like Peacekeeper, great job out there
Mid… truly an apex legends experience
Apex you know what is a core quality in a relationship? Communication. And yall really need to communicate with your fambase about what you guys are going to do with this game for the future..
I loved it when Pathfinder said it’s sneakin’ time and had no footstep audio despite being a robot. Truly an Apex experience.
Always nice to hear Mirage’s voice announcing the Winter Express mode.
As always Wraith gets the coolest stuff
Wraith prestige skin looks honestly really cool
Love the new gun they added this season.