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Snip3down dropping HARD TRUTH on why the Apex Comp Scene is dying…
Snip3down dropping HARD TRUTH on why the Apex Comp Scene is dying...
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I think the most reasonable path forward would be to have each team that quals for ALGS choose their 3 legends, then the winners of each Regional Final gets an Epic Skin for each of those heroes with revenue sharing for their skins. Winner of LAN gets a Legendary skin for their 3 legends of choice with a higher revenue share. That’s only 15 Epic (likely a lot of recolours of each other with different branding) + 3 Legendary skins per split.
Giving 1 skin to each team will likely result in the same skin for every team with an armband or something with the team logo and be worthless. Giving good skins to T1 orgs regardless of performance will piss off smaller qualifying teams if a T1 gets relegated and keeps their revenue share.
#1 reason i respect the fuck out of Eric. Dude speaks facts when nobody else will. Thank you Eric.
EA once again showing why they’re the most hated company in gaming
I just wish the best for our community and Apex. I want it to thrive
Part of the reason he said this is because alot of the “good” apex teams did not qualify for lan(including faze,furia,g2 and sentinels) leading to many teams being broken down but I beleive that the comp scene will not die their will just be new talent that overtakes the O.G’s.
EA doesnt see people wanna see bigger teams they like compete. When they see there favorites quit so do they. For example, if imperialHal quit apex and went to another game, the game will take a hit in numbers. EA should support pro players. They bring in viewer ship to play your current dog shit state game.
I think snipe saying lower tier orgs pay more than the top ones speaks volumes. They can afford it, they just want a decent performing team with bigger guaranteed returns.
this video would be half as long if he didnt repeat himself twice over.
The investors of these top tier orgs and the top brass of said orgs themselves are very switched on and can see that by contrast to early on in apex’s life, the game is just not a good investment anymore. Apex is dying and all EA can do is milk as much money as they can out of us before the game hits the ground soon. All apex has going for them anymore is hype with no real results; they’re all bark no bite. Ggs apex legends it was real while it lasted <3
This sounds more like a monopsony more than anything. Good on the orgs👌
He has some good points but all „big“ organization that left apex have fucked up. they did not Qual and left the scene cause they had no chance to regain their investment. He is looking for a reason that fate will leave too
If you don’t think Snipe is right, you’re not following Apex comp. This is the truth. Apex competitive is a business just like any others and if there is no profit for the big fish, there likely won’t be any profit for others. Become an entertainer or go broke😂
First ace,lulu, and daltoosh now apex scene smh
2 otta 3 of those teams were horrible. Liquid spent 7m on LoL last year lol.
Comp apex will be dead in a year no doubt
You are just thinking the comp scene which does NOT make the majority , not even close, the majority of people that play apex. 100 million downloads by the 3rd month of launch and now we are at between 70k (low) and 200k (high) globally playing the game>? Then , what is a livable wage? I’ve competed in the past, i know the numbers depending on the game and org. What is livable wage? Playing a game seriously, being watched. I wont get into the amount that streamers make, what an org pays, bits , donos , ad DOLLARS, not to mention sponsors on their pages and or brands. I think “livable” needs to be defined. People making $4k a month isn’t livable? That is greed. You have streamers making more than doctors really? Sorry, i agree, there probably should have been a rev share that was fare, but look where apex is and are they going to invest in it. The game is all AA, strike packs, configs , macros , scrips and who knows what else. Retained player base is 0.002% .. not even a half of a percent. Seems like the only ones the devs listen to are only the top players, we don’t have access to them like hideouts. Get banned in EA forums for posting facts. They treated Apex like they did Titan Fall and look at that Shxt Show. smfh
I don’t understand how it makes any sense for EA, now they dont get that revenue either
It’s comical this game has a pro league anyway. It’s the equivalent of going pro at flipping quarters.
What is snipe talking about haha
Snipe is lost man. Dude needs to look up the The Guard and who owns it, the Guard could literally buy all of FAZE and have hire Snipe to clean their mansions. The Fact he thinks, Chaotic can’t get on a NA team, best 301 in the game, best Horizon que in the game, Faze left the down beast for a POI and now complains they don’t have a POI. etc etc … smh
Thanks for the blog post.Thanks Again. Keep writing.
Enjoyed every bit of your post.Really thank you! Cool.
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