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NEW Apex Legends End Of Year Sale Is Here!
NEW Apex Legends End Of Year Sale Is Here!
【発売前に開封】大容量で超便利!「ロケット団の栄光 アタッシュケースセット」を実際に開封レビュー!【ポケカ/ポケモンカード】
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【発売前に開封】大容量で超便利!「ロケット団の栄光 アタッシュケースセット」を実際に開封レビュー!【ポケカ/ポケモンカード】
The devotion reload just becomes the r301 reload with rampart
Not sure why they ever nerfed the turbocharger. Sure, they were good weapons with that hop up, but nobody uses anything besides R301 Flatline so there really is no difference.
They focus more on selling skins than improving the game itself
That crouched Wattson 😂 Those are the types of players that make TGM say he’d rather play against Preds because he knows what to expect.
Another “sale” looool. But always good to see you kill the lobby, Merchant!
Fun facts: The Devotion has the highest DPS in the entire game when fully kitted. Also, with Rampart, the mag is 55 as a reference to the Titanfall variant known as the X-55 Devotion. Truly underrated!
The devotion just needs a bit of thinking before you fire with it it’s not as plug and play as other guns same thing with havoc without turbo charger the havoc is an insanely good weapon you just gotta play a little bit differently
The devotion became hidden OP imo when energy ammo got buffed back in szn 2. It was my most used weapon ever. I’d carry a turbocharger just for the hope of me finding a devo.
They finally hit it with a good amount of nerfs and it’s not that it sucks but why use it when the volt exists or the havoc that has a 36 round clip full mag and does 18 damage a shot?
Devotion is unpopular for a good reason, it has a lot of downsides that make it not worth picking, especially now after Turbocharger nerf. Respawn just hate LMGs, apparently
About the Devotion, it pairs very well with the G7 scout and the 30-30 Repeater.
Even tho they have cool stuff in the event and in the store right now I pledged not to spend money after mobile got solo so I havent even been checking the store. I looked to see if i wanted to craft anything in the event but i ended up saving my crafting materials
Merch, i’ve got a challenge idea for you. Make a series where you win a game using only one weapon (sentinel, mozambique, car, etc.) and in the beginning of each video, you spin a wheel determining which weapon you use. I don’t know if it’s going to be too easy for you, just an idea i had 🙂
Deviotion but only in ramparts hands and with loba in team. Bigger mag, faster reload and almost unlimited access to Energy ammo 🙂
Of course they couldn’t sell these skins standalone 😑
I want that wattson skin so bad but Christmas got me hurting 😭😭😭
Dibs on the premium potato charm✨🥔
Wonderful content Mr Merchant, Thank you! 😀
The wraith skin re-released right when I don’t have money for it 🙁
I think I’m lvl 8 on the season pass. I really don’t wanna play.
The man’s voice cracking in disappointment as he browsed the store…
Ive been subbed to gaming merchant this whole time also getting his notifications and i still completely forgot about this game 😂
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