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Apex Legends New Update Released Early By Respawn
Apex Legends New Update Released Early By Respawn
マエスマ’HIT#65 in 梅田 ft.あcola,Mark,ヤドン,シオン,Yone_pi,ふららら麵,シュピ,DenKOTA,Rizeasu,and more! #スマブラSP #マエスマ
ヤグラ1位にいく 3400から【XP3750】【スプラトゥーン3】
【第79回】真・闘龍門 ft. ゴリオカ, きょう, Umeki, Kinaji, 無表情, おちゃ, FILIP, NaNo and more…【スマブラSP】
↓ 動画はこちらから ↓
マエスマ’HIT#65 in 梅田 ft.あcola,Mark,ヤドン,シオン,Yone_pi,ふららら麵,シュピ,DenKOTA,Rizeasu,and more! #スマブラSP #マエスマ
ヤグラ1位にいく 3400から【XP3750】【スプラトゥーン3】
【第79回】真・闘龍門 ft. ゴリオカ, きょう, Umeki, Kinaji, 無表情, おちゃ, FILIP, NaNo and more…【スマブラSP】
What are your thoughts on the changes Respawn has planned? I’ll be doing open lobbies on Twitch today with viewers, Come join and end up in a game! https://www.twitch.tv/thordansmash
Everyones expectation:
All legends are apart of new classes that have new passives, and there will be a lot of buffs, nerfs and even reworks for legends.
The legends have been separated into different classes and now the legend select screen looks different…
Horizon got silent two nerfs, one being the q inaccuracy and the other to her ult. the one affecting her ult now prevents it to suck through walls and objects including Gibby q that do not have a direct line of sight to the player.
NRG’s analyst, Sven, also said that there was more nerfed to the ult but didn’t touch on what that was.
Note: old comment got deleted for linking to svens tweet
so excited for new class rework, i hope it helps find a new meta overall instead of the same teams over and over again
Could the dummie teleport bug/animation be some kind of indication that we’ll get actual *legend* bots to play against that use abilities and stuff? Would be great for the new skirmish area they’re adding to firing range.
Honestly, I think Horizon should have more of a rework than buff. The only thing that I truly like about her is her passive, and that barely fits the bill considering how good she was on her S7 Launch. Which is truly sad because her kit boors me now and especially so with how easy it is to get beamed out of her Q. I’m still excited for next season tho, it just sounds so exciting because I’m already mentally checked out from this season with how lackluster and disappointing it was at the first split of s15 (its been very fun with friends tho).
Yes, I am looking forward to the changes in the Firing Range. We will be able to practice more scenarios.
kinda kills me to say this but i think its straight up just time for APEX 2. this game just keeps getting more buggy as time goes on and i honestly think moving the game to a new engine is all it truly needs to feel good again and stop giving the player base so many problems
This event has been pretty lackluster ngl
Also i’m so so so looking forward to the mirage rework, i love my boy but he needed it and pathy hasn’t had an actual unique passive for such a long time now
As a Horizon main, knowing Ash might be next for an heirloom is truly saddening 😪
Shocker that seer gets nerf. Not sure horizon needs one unless class rework overbuffs her
Season 16 gonna be sick with the new classes !!
Thanks for the update. Keep up the good work
firing range updates: awesome. new weapon: hell yeah. Incoming Horizon nerf: not really a problem. Horizon no heirloom: not cool not cool at all
Sentinel doesn’t need shield cell for charge up if you have gold armor. It’s not a bug, it’s buff. And it makes sense.
I felt that seer was healthy gameplay wise.
Really excited for season 16 👑
When should the Flatline reactive recolor skin arrives?
Give us the heat sink reactive skin already.