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Apex Legends: Revelry Gameplay Trailer
Apex Legends: Revelry Gameplay Trailer
【ゆっくり実況】レンタルハウスを借りに行ったらとんでもなく怖い目に遭いました…【ホラーゲーム】【Fears to Fathom – Woodbury Getaway】
【スマブラSP 】ウメハラがぁ!戦闘力1502万にぃぃっ!!到達したぁぁーっ!!!!【ゆっくり実況 キャプテン・ファルコンpart5】
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【ゆっくり実況】レンタルハウスを借りに行ったらとんでもなく怖い目に遭いました…【ホラーゲーム】【Fears to Fathom – Woodbury Getaway】
The positivity that is filling the community right now is refreshing to see. Now to see if it all comes together. WE ARE ROOTING FOR YOU DEVS!!!!
This is truly incredible and I think it’s going to be one of the best seasons in a long time
Oh this is going to be a fun season! Thank you devs for listening to the community ❤️
Trust me, y’all are gonna love Team Deathmatch
This season is going to be a great refresh qith the game, with all the new classes, and how they are focusing on bettering the experience for the players is just great 👍
I love that they didn’t give us a new legend this season. To focus on the game I was so close to giving up on apex but the news is so refreshing, rotating LTMS, revamped firing range, bots for new players, legend changes, ranked changes. I appreciate them taking this season to polish the game hats off to the devs 💯
Honestly liking the positivity from the fans and the work that the dev’s are doing
This is a incredible launch. I cannot wait
With all the upcoming changes I’m actually excited for a season again, last time I was excited was season 4
This is what Apex needed, actually looking forward to the future of this game now
time to get the party started 😎
something tells me this is gonna be the best season in a long time
More dev videos would be welcome! There is a lack of interaction between the community, the playerbase and the developers…
I know loads of people been saying it but gona say it again; the devs have SMASHED this! Haven’t been this hyped for a season for ages 💪 loving the new permanent modes, the general game polishing and just the whole vibe. This is gona bring me back to Apex full time I think 🔥🔥🔥
I really REALLY hope that this collection event will have the price half off like the 2nd Anniversary Collection (from what I remember).
I bought the packs I couldn’t craft because it was quite the deal then.
This is the first season in a looooong while that made me genuinly hyped! I cannot wait!
Thank you respawn so much. You are finally doing things that the community has always wanted. The skins look great. And infinitely Sharps at the end. I’m really happy 😊
Haven’t been excited for a new season in a long time, this one is goin to be DOPE!!
One of the most hype trailers ever. Thanks respawn ❤️
This is the first time in a while that I’ve been truly excited for a new season. Can’t wait to try it all out