裏技ゲームあんてな – 5チャンネルまとめアンテナサイト【2ちゃんねる】
Apex Legends Anniversary Collection Event
Apex Legends Anniversary Collection Event
スマブラSP スマパ!#178
【ポケモン公式】モンポケショートアニメ第5話「はじめてのとっくん」-ポケモン Kids TV【モンポケアニメ】
【ドラクエウォーク】ドラゴンボールコラボで始めた方必見!! 序盤に絶対やるべきこと!!【DQW】
【ゆっくり実況】何かが潜む倉庫で猫と共に生き残る【ホラーゲーム】【ORDER 13】
↓ 動画はこちらから ↓
スマブラSP スマパ!#178
【ポケモン公式】モンポケショートアニメ第5話「はじめてのとっくん」-ポケモン Kids TV【モンポケアニメ】
Really enjoyed this trailer, the transition on the heirlooms was amazingggg.
I’m so happy that you guys are listening to feedback from the community. It takes time to implement changes, but I’m happy that you guys pushed through that to get to this season.
You know the season’s gonna be good when the comments aren’t something like “truly an Apex moment” or “I loved the part where…”
Everyone seems really happy (including myself) with the event and it’s a beautiful change of pace
PLEASE KEEP THIS UP‼️‼️ most excited ive been for a new season since season 8
Love seeing the hype and positivity in the community rn
I think disruptor rounds have shown up in more trailers than in the game itself
The anniversary events are definitely the best for freebies and I’m a sucker for that. I’ll be playing a lot this month.
This season is looking great so far
oh my… 4 years it feels like yesterday.
i’ve seen the lowest downs and the biggest ups during my time in the community. i haven’t played in 7 months, but i will play when the event releases.
a good event love it and i hope you guys go all out for the future events too
Congrats on 4 years guys. Wait, it’s been FOUR years?! When did that happen? Week one player here, super excited for the new season to see what it can bring! I’m hoping this is the year I can finally get something other than DSL so I can play more, but regardless I’ll be dropping in!
This season is looking great so far
That transition was fire with the herlooms
I have high hopes for this season RESPAWN PLS DONT DISAPPOINT US! 😩
Seems like it’s been collection event after collection event, but this one looks promising. Also for those new, getting Crypto and Ash for free is a great deal!
Easily one of the better collection events to be made. I really like the skins and rewards that come out of it, and this is looking to be one of the best seasons to come from Apex in the recent years. I’m excited to play it tomorrow!!