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What is the Rarest Death Screen in Splatoon?
What is the Rarest Death Screen in Splatoon?
【原神コード】神イベ直前!今週絶対に確認すること!【無課金初心者】【解説攻略】幻想シアター 隠し配置 夢見月瑞希 リークなし ヴァレサ イアンサ
【ゆっくり実況】レンタルハウスを借りに行ったらとんでもなく怖い目に遭いました…【ホラーゲーム】【Fears to Fathom – Woodbury Getaway】
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【原神コード】神イベ直前!今週絶対に確認すること!【無課金初心者】【解説攻略】幻想シアター 隠し配置 夢見月瑞希 リークなし ヴァレサ イアンサ
Hi, everyone. Thanks for watching this video! There are a couple things I want to mention:
I know I undermined Angle Shooter a LOT, and that’s my mistake lol. I wrote the script and recorded all of the footage before it was buffed to do more damage. A lot more people have started to use it more now.
I didn’t include Salmon Run because I wanted to use my limited time to talk about Shifty Stations instead.
I’m sort of new to making videos, so I hope you’ll understand. Again, thanks for watching 🙂
You forgot about Inkjet Exhaust. Yeah the ink that keeps you in the sky can actually hurt people.
Kind of surprised salmon run wasn’t talked about. You can die from some pretty embarrassing ways in salmon run such as “splatted by chinook” and “crushed by Mudmouth” yes, if you’re standing on top of a location that a Mudmouth happens to spawn at and you’re already low on damage, they will kill you. It happened to me once and I just had to stare at my screen for a couple minutes
I’m surprised there was no mention of dying by making contact with the rainmaker barrier, it can especially happen if you’re between the rainmaker and a close-by wall
Squishing with a brella is how you camp super jumps, you can combo a shot into opening your sheild. So that one’s pretty common.
Being splatted by a sprinkler was a lot more common in splatoon 1. If someone jumped on next to wall you could throw it on the wall right next to their jump spot and they would basically automatically get splatted.
it is possible to die to a chinook in salmon run. when the boxes that they drop in mothership waves turn red and explode, they do a little damage (idk how much). if you take damage from other boss salmonids and then get hit by the explosion, you will get a death screen that says “Splatted By Chinook.”
I like how they tried to make the Mc princess cannon seem really weird and out of the blue but to most splatoon fans it makes perfect sense
OMG you literally unlocked a memory for me. Years ago when I played Splatoon 2 I got killed by propeller ink once and was so baffled at the unique icon i had never seen before! I don’t play anymore, but you made me remember lol
In the first game, I mained the Kelp Splat Charger and had my name set to “sprinkler”. I was a pretty good shot, too. People would laser focus on me because of the disrespect of my name and just feed me splats lmao
Moray Towers and Saltspray Rig were my favorite stages simply because once I was in position, it was surprisingly easy to get people to walk right into my sprinkler. I was a menace and probably accounted for at least 25% of all sprinkler deaths. Sorry, friends!
I’ve actually gotten a splashdown cancel with the propeller ink on anchov. It’s one of the most hype kills I’ve ever gotten to this day
I feel like I might’ve died (or at least gotten damaged) by a propeller before. Not because I distinctly remember it, but because I already knew they spurt ink at you and that info’s gotta be stuck in my brain for a reason.
I was splatted by my own teammate once, we were playing rainmaker in Splatoon 2. I was trying to pop the rainmaker when my teammate decided to use the ultra stamp and crushed me between the rain maker shield and the hammer.
I’m pretty sure this is the only way to deliberately team kill in Splatoon history.
Oh wow, my sister was telling me about the propeller death literally yesterday!! I think she said her friend had died to it, I was laughing because how do you even manage to let THAT kill you.
I feel like being splatted by a sprinkler is more common than a hit from a curling bomb. I’ve had a lot of super jump sprinkler kills and even a single non super jump sprinkler kill but never killed with a curling bomb hit.
Talking to other people made me realize that dying to a sprinkler is more common than it should be. Some people drops the sprinkler near an enemy during an encounter, so the probability of someone getting the last hit from a sprinkler is higher than someone getting crushed by an inkbrush.
I’ve gotten a few Angle Shooter splats actually, Angle Shooter gets a lot of grief for being the “worst sub weapon” but with recent buffs it’s actually not terrible, it could still use a buff or two but it’s very long ranged, fast and combos well with the Slosher Deco which is part of why it’s seen as bad because it doesn’t combo with the Splattershot Pro or the Jet Squelcher well at all
Shifty stations were so cool! Incorporating story mode stuff like bounce pads and ink furlers into multiplayer!
You didn’t mention being splatted by the rainmaker barrier (not the explosion!)
For that you have to he standing close to it while it’s expanding, but it has to be expanding rapidly for that to happen
The easiest way to achieve this is by using the ultra stamp on the rainmaker shield, because that will keep you moving towards the rainmaker while also dealing a lot of damage to the shield.
Also I think you can get crushed by the tower in tower control too.
Hey! There’s one death screen that I’ve gotten once that I think you missed. If you stand next to a wall while the rainmaker bubble is pushing you away from it as you’re inking it, you can get the death message, “Crushed by rainmaker bubble!”