裏技ゲームあんてな – 5チャンネルまとめアンテナサイト【2ちゃんねる】
I Don’t Like This One Bit
I Don't Like This One Bit
【ゆっくり実況】レンタルハウスを借りに行ったらとんでもなく怖い目に遭いました…【ホラーゲーム】【Fears to Fathom – Woodbury Getaway】
【スマブラSP 】ウメハラがぁ!戦闘力1502万にぃぃっ!!到達したぁぁーっ!!!!【ゆっくり実況 キャプテン・ファルコンpart5】
【スマブラSP】第56回スマバトSP サブ配信① ft.らる,らき,アカキクス,ラリックス,ネイビー,雨飴,ふい,alice,シオン,Kaninabe,りゅーおーand more!
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【ゆっくり実況】レンタルハウスを借りに行ったらとんでもなく怖い目に遭いました…【ホラーゲーム】【Fears to Fathom – Woodbury Getaway】
As a Revenant main, it hurts seeing him fall to the bottom of the “tier lists”. He’s such a fun legend to play and I find him way more interesting than most of the other picks. But he’s predictable and I feel like he’s a massive target. As soon as I get shot I’m a sitting duck because I can’t get away.
They should’ve buffed everything in her kit to compete with the other legends such as wraith and path, her ults distance should’ve gotta a buff such as they gave path and wraith with there ults distance being doubled, since her ult is actually really strong instead of doubling it from 75m to 150m it should be around 100m or so, they already buffed her tactical but it should be a off hand ability like revs, Maggie’s, catalyst’s Bangalore’s, etc. and finally her passive, her passive is really good but when they buffed the recon legends with being able to scan the entire lobby ash’s passive kinds got an indirect nerf like her ult, I don’t really know what they should buff in her passive but something that stands out would be nice such as seeing how many people the last squad has in the end game, I wouldn’t say this is op but it would be a nice buff. All in all she does need something to make her stand out in the meta
In my perspective
Her arc snare should be able to use when shooting or double the amount like fuse,rev,bang,Maggie.
Her ult was too short compare to wraith, pathfinder or valk.Cus the distance was the problem.
Maybe they should buff her ult similar as pathfinder with more distance and zoom for precise and long distance placement.
i mean her passive is helpful for finding fights. other than that she’s just stuck with a useless grenade
Some buff ideas I have:
Maybe a second snare?
Double damage of snare?
I have a very different idea for ultimate though, instead of directly buffing it, give her a second charge, like one at 50% and at 100%
The buff ash got is memeable it won’t change her power in the meta at all.
I think an interesting buff would have been to add a small aoe around the exit of her portal that grants arc star stun to enemies to make it more useful for pushing into enemies without making it too close to a skirmisher class ability
I still think her snare should stun like it does in the trailer. It would make it into an actual ability
Switch the blue colors for green and you have an Octane heirloom.
It just doesn’t fit Ash.
Ash should have increased distance on ultimate, or be able to take it back 😮 and she should be able to zoom with aim like in fuses let for more accurate placement.
Ash being one of my mains I feel like this is a well needed buff especially with her tactical it def needed some type of adjustment when it comes to throwing it medium to long ranch distances and just overall with her ultimate as well so I’m happy with this buff and I’m def happy that’s she’s getting a heirloom I’m definitely buying it 👏
a better buff for her is to give her 2 tacticals and 2 ults. I like the speed of the tactical as a buff, but i think for her to be something along the lines of “chase-down” legend, i think that would suit her well and make her more viable. I like playing her, but she definitely needs more than what she is getting in this upcoming heirloom event
I really think that it’s a good idea to buff legends who get heirlooms most of the time but I really think that ashes ult needs some adjustments so it can go farther and is less sensitive so you don’t travel only two feet in front of you
I agree, love playing Rampart and it’s the only character I have an heirloom for but always feels like she gets forgotten about, even with skins
Ash is my second main and she’s very fun to use. This buff is nice imo. She’s very underrated.
I think it’s more for the mains of ash then trying to get the whole community to play her for a main I think it would be a nice tweak to her kit
Ash main – I’m just glad she is getting some attention over wraith. I think she has some great potential and this will be my first heirloom in 4 years. (Switched to pc so reset my heirloom progress)
They should’ve increased her ult range by 30% since path/wraith got a distance buff too
I think the reason theyre only buffing the tac might be because they want to keep her in assault class and if the ult was on par with wraith/pathy while staying assault it would probably be a bit op bc you get the repositioning of a skirmisher + the assault perk for free.
Also the whole releasing a buff at the same time as an heirloom is very cheeky but they’ve been doing it for ages so I don’t mind too much.
Buffs I’d like to see to her ult are
-100 meter distance
-A distance counter under the marker when trying to set it up
-faster or instantaneous travel throught the portal
-Get refunded 50% ult charge when portaling under 50 meters
Her passive is fine but I wish the Data knife part of it was useful. I only found use out of it when 3rd partying a fight where players have already died.
Also her heirloom is nice but I think a whip would have been better, maybe like a bladed whip that conduct arc energy