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Apex Legends: Eclipse Launch Trailer
Apex Legends: Eclipse Launch Trailer
スマブラのキャラがもし身近にいたら…? 土下座したら100万貸してくれそうかどうか考察しました
マエスマ’1on1#29 ft.ミーヤー,ヨシドラ,へろー,はゆ,アカキクス,マイルドなH.O,ルフ軍,らき,れの,れもぞねす,ねぼ,りょぺい,まいぱん,and more! #スマブラSP #マエスマ
【アプデ解説】最新アップデートで大型リグの報酬変更、武器の耐久値UPの神修正!! #パルワールド
【公式】アニメ「ポケットモンスター」第81話 「大バトル!大地を穿つ炎」-期間限定配信-
↓ 動画はこちらから ↓
スマブラのキャラがもし身近にいたら…? 土下座したら100万貸してくれそうかどうか考察しました
マエスマ’1on1#29 ft.ミーヤー,ヨシドラ,へろー,はゆ,アカキクス,マイルドなH.O,ルフ軍,らき,れの,れもぞねす,ねぼ,りょぺい,まいぱん,and more! #スマブラSP #マエスマ
It’s fun seeing Fuse and Maggie playing on the same team
I like how different Catalyst is from the leaks, really shows how things evolve and change before release.
I loved the part where Seer missed all his shots with the Wingman, truly an Apex experience.
Her entire kit looks insane. Can’t wait to play her this season
Devs have a very accurate data on Octane Players, couldnt have represented them any better.
So her tactical slows down opponents significantly, and her ult creates a giant wall that blocks scans and bullets, but can be pass through at the cost of slowness. Sounds great to me.
love the part when teammate footsteps are louder than the enemy so you accidentally shoot your own teammate. truly an Apex experience.
We need more caustic in these trailers, respawn just use him as a punching bag for all the new legends and I really want to see him as a supporting character in the trailers kind of like what they did in this one but without him being killed for no reason.
Also he needs a story cinematic, same with revenant. There’s so much they could do with those characters.
I love how her kit is completely different then what we thought it was.. good job respawn
Great trailer. She looks fun to play. Can’t wait to read up on her abilities and see what she can bring to the table.
I love the part where caustic wastes his ult, octane runs in and instantly dies and seers ult does virtually nothing, truly an apex experience.
I loved it when octane stims and runs into a fight solo only to die instantly and leave the game, truly an apex experience
It’s cool seeing the memories she has that give a bit of history to the place, also rampage ground loot? Also looks like her abilities changed
I loved the part where Catalyst went “it’s Apex’ing time” and catalysted all over them. Truly, an Apex Legends experience.
seer throwing his ultimate directly into the enemy team only for it to get shot out within 2 seconds, truly one of the apex legends moments of all time
I would love to see a LTM playlist this season
Can’t wait to see how she plays in game!
My favorite part was when three characters wasted their ults one after the other. Truly the Apex experience.
Loved the part where LITERALY octane said “What are you waiting? Let’s go” and ran into certain death, truly an apex experience!
I love the part when Caustic used his ultimate and everyone just ignored it by staying away from it. Truly an Apex experience